Announcement on Football Match Result Database work forthcoming

There are new visitors to this website all the time, so not everyone is aware of my ongoing projects, but I have been quiet about this particular project for quite some time. 

I have been working on the design of a match result database to facilitate my analysis work.  I am very allergic to repetitive tasks, and wanted to develop a database that would contain the data I needed and would be in a format that would integrate well with my growing suite of analysis tools.  I didn't find any designs on the net that satisfied me, so I designed my own.  I also set about to writing the data entry application, which is always a non-trivial task but became especially involved because of my own requirements (functional, GUI look-and-feel) and the lack of open-source frameworks.  (I discuss some of the challenges that I had with a previous framework here.)  It is true that I could have completed this task much sooner if I had someone else to share the work, but I wanted to keep it a secret until I had a completed version and I felt that I needed to learn databases and Python anyway.

It has taken a long time to arrive to this point, but I feel that I am a week or two from having a completed data entry tool that will serve as a marker for further GUI and database testing.  I might reach my milestone sooner, but next week I start packing up for my move on the 20th and I won't be settled in Atlanta until the beginning of July.  As a result I won't have another update until after the Independence Day holiday.  At that point I will be able to discuss more freely more about the features, about the code, about repositories and where the open-source soccer analytics community could be of assistance.

I know that several people have offered assistance at some point within the last 18 months, and I apologize that it has taken so long.  If you indulge me for a three more weeks while I carry out this cross-country move, I will be able to give more details very shortly. Thank you in advance for your patience.
