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Introducing the Analytics module for Soccermetrics API

It’s been several months since we last posted updates on the Soccermetrics API to the blog.  Not to say that there haven’t been updates — quite a lot, in fact — it’s just that we’ve chosen to reveal those changes through the API documentation pages.  But we’ve introduced a pair of changes that are quite […]

Introducing the Soccermetrics API

We introduce the Soccermetrics API — a sports modelling and analytics layer on top of in-match data sources at varying levels of complexity. The API delivers advanced match analysis of data in an accessible form and makes it easier for end-users to create their own customized analysis tools on football data.This API — also known […]

Introducing ResultsPage

Tonight is an important milestone for Soccermetrics, as we present for the first time our initial web-based application that was built using our own web services (APIs).  It is called ResultsPage and you can find it at resultspage.soccermetrics.net.The primary motivation behind ResultsPage is to automate the Pythagorean tables that we’ve created since the early days […]