
Soccermetrics Podcasts now on bi-weekly schedule

After the initial flurry of episodes into the Soccermetrics Podcast feed, I’ve settled on a bi-weekly release schedule for future episodes.

The objective of the Soccermetrics Podcasts is to have deeper conversations with a guest than the typical football podcast, which requires a lot of background preparation.  A bi-weekly schedule appears to strike a balance between the need to generate new content and the time required to plan a high-quality episode.

I’ve been learning from conversations with podcast practitioners and aficionados that it’s not as important to broadcast weekly, bi-weekly, or even monthly than it is to consistently stick to such a schedule.  A bi-weekly schedule gives me the best opportunity to be consistent.

I’ll post tentative long-term schedules for Podcast episodes from time to time, most likely at the beginning of each month.

